JSF2 Annotations Ignored

I couldn’t figure out why when I tried to retro-fit an old JSF project for JSF2 annotations the annotations weren’t being processed and the managed beans weren’t being instantiated.

Duh. The JSF2 annotation processor defers to faces-config.xml. My faces-config still said JSF 1.2 in the faces-config element and related xmlns attributes.

On a related note, annotations are only processed by default in the WAR WEB-INF/classes directory. If including JARs in WEB-INF/lib, each jar containing managed beans need a META-INF/faces-config.xml. Doesn’t have to have anything in it, but if it isn’t there, annotations won’t process.

The Horrors of OpenOffice Macro Programming

I love OpenOffice as a user. I have absolutely no envy for (ahem) That Other Product. In truth, just about every new MS-Office feature added since 1997 has been completely meaningless to me.

I have been manipulating OpenOffice/LibreOffice/StarOffice in various creative docs for some years now, but mostly by running XML processes against the ODF files. While XSLT is a royal pain, it beats the alternatives, and the ODT format is straightforward enough.

Recently, however, I’ve had a need to do some heavy reformatting of spreadsheets. They get generated as CSV files, imported, formatted, and various formulas plugged into them. I got tired of doing this by hand, so I decided it was time to automate the process.

¡Ay, Caramba! What a nightmare!

On the one hand, there are all sorts of different ways to script OpenOffice. Java, Python, beanshell, and Basic. Two different kinds of Basic.

If you use the macro recorder, it captures scripts using one programming interface. However, when you write scripts by hand, you would normally use a completely different, less-awkward interface. Even if you wanted to use the capture API, trying to figure out what the various functions and features are makes it a rough proposition, since almost everything is basically set up an array of parameters and passing it to an execute function.

The simpler, hand-coded BASIC API, however, isn’t much better. Unlike the capture API, which maps onto the document model objects directly, the BASIC API attempts to provide convenience methods and properties. Unfortunately, some of them are pretty darned inconvenient, and as awful as the access documentation is, at least the low-level stuff is documented. Lots of luck with the high-level stuff.

I’ve heard the excuse made that the reason MS has so much better Office programming documentation is that they have the force of a Fortune 50 company behind them, but that rings hollow. OpenOffice after all was owned by Sun, then Oracle, and the community of OOffice users is pretty large. There really isn’t an excuse. About the best I’ve seen for how to program OpenOffice is a book that’s out of print.

So, while I myself don’t have the resources to remedy this situation, I’m putting together something that will at least work as a “cheat sheet” for OOCalc macro programming. Here it is: OpenOffice Calc Macro CheatSheet

The Dark Side of the Nook

I knew that people were unhappy with the Nook Tablet because it reserved a lot of memory for itself, but I hadn’t realized how far the rot has truly run.

One of the reasons why this unit appealed to me was that I expected it to continue the open-ness of the Nook Color, its predecessor. Sadly, this is not so. The only way to root a Nook Tablet is to wipe it back to factory settings. While on the whole, I like the tablet’s native OS, the B&N app store is pretty thin as far as some of my favorite Android apps go, and I’m displeased that I have been blocked from doing anything about that.

More serious, however, is what they’ve done to the books themselves. Side-loaded books are second-class citizens. B&N purchases are completely hidden from side-loading access. And therefore, the only backup mechanism is to re-retrieve them from the B&N servers.

When I buy a book, I expect that I’ve bought the book. An attractive feature of the Nook was that in case B&N ever bail from the business or a superior reader came along, I could decrypt and read my books anytime I wanted to on other platforms and not have them simply evaporate as some of the music services did. With the Nook tablet, this isn’t true anymore.

If I wanted a platform where other people controlled everything I did, I’d get an iPad.

RichFaces “columns” tag doesn’t display columns

The RichFaces manual show this example on using the “columns” tag:

<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap">
<rich:columns value="#{capitalsBean.labels}" var="col" index="index">

<h:outputText value="#{cap[index]}" />



There is no corresponding sample Java code.

That’s very unfortunate, since in the absence of any better documentation, the natural thing to expect is that “capitalBeans.labels” would be a DataModel object, just as it is for the table itself. And it isn’t.

The model for columns is a simple ordered collection, such as a List.

JPA and overlapping complex keys

If at all possible, you should avoid setting up databases with complex keys (or compound keys, as they are sometimes known). It makes life a whole lot more complex, and in a world where everyone already says you’re taking too long because “All You Have To Do Is…”, complex isn’t a good thing.

Sometimes, however, there’s just no choice.

I have one app that has a table with 2 complex-key relationships. The table’s primary key is (idA, idB) and there’s a foreign key reference to another table item with a key of (idA, idC). The table’s key is an embedded object of type “table1Id” and the foreign reference is a lazy-load “table2” object.

The full details are here.

JPA and Fixed-length text fields in databases

Lucky me. I took over a system whose database is awash with compound keys. The more I work with this stuff, the more justification I find for always having a simple sequence key as the primary key, despite the apparent extra overhead.

I’ve had a long-running problem where parent-child (one-to-many) relationships weren’t able to fetch their children. At best, the collection came up empty. At worst, accessing the children collection property of the parent would throw a NullPointerException because the “bag” property of the PersistentBagCollection wasn’t initialized.

I spent a LOT of time with Hibernate’s trace-level logging turned on and the only thing I could determine was that the children were, in fact, being correctly loaded and formed into a collection, but the collection wasn’t the collection that was bound to the parent – instead the child collection was being silently lost.

One thing that did look suspicious, however was that the trace showed two collections found. I went round and round with this, added various bits of code that made objects more identifiable in the debugger, and finally – at long last ended up with a set of trace messages showing the owner primary keys of these collections.

Lo, and behold! One of them showed trailing spaces in the key field values, the other did not.

Trailing spaces in ORM fields have much the same effect and being sloppy with upper/lower case in Java filenames under Windows. Sometimes you get away with it, but not always. Because of the trailing spaces, the two primary keys didn’t compare equal, the “real” collection couldn’t be attached to its parent, and data was lost.

I suppose that this problem could be avoided by proper implementation of the equals() and hashCode() methods of the offending primary key objects, but I found it easier to simply force the key objects to be space-padded and to be more careful about what I passed to search functions, since the ultimate problem lies in the fact that sending a space-trimmed value to a Hibernate JPA query will match and return a space-padded object.

The ultimate cure for this would probably be to use fixed-size character arrays instead of String objects, but there are several problems here as well:

  1. Java’s static type checking doesn’t cover mismatches on array size.
  2. Individual characters in a character array can be null
  3. The ORM class-generating tools I use render fixed character fields as Strings, not arrays
  4. I’m not actually sure that either JPA or Hibernate support character array properties. I have enough grief trying to portably represent boolean and enum values.

Tomcat ignores FORM based authentication, uses BASIC authentication

Here’s a week of my life down the drain. I’m setting up a new production site with Apache AJP fronting Tomcat and when the Tomcat webapp needs authentication, it ignores the FORM authentication directive, presenting a BASIC authentication dialog, instead!

I thought it had to do with AJP and SSL tunneling. It didn’t. I finally confirmed that by firing up a text-only browser (this is a remote hosting location with no GUI) and bypassing the firewall, Apache, AJP and everything but Tomcat itself.

The culprit turned out to be insidious. I was overriding an authentication option in order to fine-tune client caching. However, the examples I’d been pilfering from were using BASIC authentication, not FORM authentication. So when I added the config option, it was the Tomcat Valve for BasicAuthenticator.

Turns out that if you do that, the BasicAuthenticator silently takes over, overriding the FORM authentication configuration in web.xml.

The cure: use the FormAuthenticator Valve!

Making Apache mod_rewrite and the ajp Tomcat connector work together

Apache’s URL rewriting facility can be used to shape URLs piped to Tomcat, but it’s not as simple as it seems.

The basic action is straightforward. First incoming URLs are processed by mod_rewrite, then they are matched up against JkMount definitions to find the appropriate Tomcat connector to use.

The problem is, what Tomcat sees isn’t what you’d expect to have come out from the rewrite process.

What actually happens is that before being submitted to mod_rewrite, the incoming URL is converted to server-relative form. After rewriting, the resulting URL is then reassembled, including the parts that Tomcat doesn’t want or need. Including the Apache DocumentBase path.

To prevent this problem, just qualify the last rewrite rule in the process with the “PT” directive to let Apache know to “Pass Through” the URL without reassembly. So, for example:

RewriteRule ^/$ /mywebapp/index.jsp [L,PT]
JkMount /mywebapp/* ajp13

Howto: Installing TracDiscussion

TracDiscussion allows adding discussion forums to the Trac (http://edgewall.org) system. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of info on how to to it.

In a perfect world, you’d just issue the command “easy_install TracDiscussion” and bam-you’re-done. In this world, not yet, anyway.

Installing TracDiscussion requires installing some prerequisite packages. If you’re running Trac 11 or later, you don’t need to install the web administraction package, since it’s now part of Trac. Yes, they say that, but rather ambiguously, so this is an unqualified statement. Secondly, you need a spam filter. You’re dealing with email, spam is now about 90% of all email, so you need a filter.

Installing the actual TracDiscussion plugin isn’t all that hard even lacking a functional direct easy_install. Just go to the SVN archives, pick the project directory whose name matches your trac version and use the Subversion export command to download it. Then run easy_install against the downloaded directory.

That’s only half the battle. At that point, restart your HTTP server to reload the Trac configuration. You should see the TracDiscussion plugin listed on the admin plugins page. Select all options. In particular, select the installation option. If you don’t select that one, the extra tables won’t get added to your database.

You’ll probably get an error page backin instructing you to run the trac-admin update command. Do that from a command shell. If using PostgreSQL it will probably tell you to disable database backup on the upgrade. Hopefully you’re doing regular PostgreSQL backups anyway, but you might want to kick off a manual PostgreSQL backup before doing the Trac upgrade just for good luck’s sake.

You may want to edit the [notifications ]section of your trac.ini file in order to configure email.Then restart HTTP. And backup the newly-updated database.

With luck, “discussion” will now appear as one of the items on your Trac menubar and there will be a Discussions management section on the sidebar menu of the admin page.