“Instant OSD” — a fast way to bring up a VM as a Ceph OSD node

Running Ceph OSDs in virtual machines may not be considered as “best practice”, but it’s nevertheless popular. VMs are easier to manage on the whole and prior to Ceph becoming container-based, were a lot easier to configure and control without getting all confused with other host subsystems.

This isn’t quite a “one button” solution, but it’s close. There’s some manual network configuration as there would be for any Ceph host, but the bulk of the work is done via a simple shell script and Ansible.

So, for your edification and enjoyment: https://gogs.mousetech.com/mtsinc7/instant_osd


A lightning strike took mousetech.com off the Internet for several days and has caused problems for the Gogs server. We hope to have it back online soon. (2024-07-27)