Apache, Tomcat and SSL – with Pictures!

Or at least examples!

Apache SSL to non-SSL Tomcat:

<VirtualHost mytchost:80>
  ProxyPass / http://backend.tomcat.host:8080
  ProxyPassReverse / http://backend.tomcat.host:8080
<VirtualHost mytchost:80>

<VirtualHost mytchost:443>
  ProxyPass / http://backend.tomcat.host:8080
  ProxyPassReverse / http://backend.tomcat.host:8080
<VirtualHost mytchost:80>

Apache SSL to SSL Tomcat. This is what you’d normally use if the Tomcat webapp had secure transport specified in its web.xml:

<VirtualHost mytchost:80>
  ProxyPass / http://backend.tomcat.host:8080
  ProxyPassReverse / http://backend.tomcat.host:8080
<VirtualHost mytchost:80>

<VirtualHost mytchost:443>
  ProxyPass / https://backend.tomcat.host:8080
  ProxyPassReverse / https://backend.tomcat.host:8080
<VirtualHost mytchost:80>

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Evil Genius specializing in OS's, special hardware and other digital esoterica with a bent for Java.